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Call to Action

Lawyers for Visitors Injured in Washington DC

This website is dedicated to providing information and resources to those who have been seriously injured or killed while in Washington D.C. — whether on class trips, visiting from abroad, visiting as part of a senior citizens group, or family vacation.  When serious injuries occur while on a trip, it can be difficult to find the appropriate resource once you get back to your hometown.  Visitors often wonder:

  • How long do I have to figure out whether to pursue legal action?
  • How can I find an attorney that can actually communicate with me?
  • Will I have to return to Washington, D.C. to pursue legal action?
  • How long will it take to resolve my case?
  • How does the legal process work?
  • If I signed a waiver, can I still file a lawsuit?

While we explore some of these issues (and more) on this website, nothing can replace actually speaking to an attorney, as each case is completely different.  We offer completely free and confidential initial consultations about your injuries, where we will discuss the facts of your case, give you information about Washington D.C. law of injury and damages, explain our fees, and discuss whether we might be able to accept your case.

In recent years, between 14.9 million and 18.5 million visitors come to Washington D.C. each year.  Going back home does not mean that you don’t have legal rights.